Monday, October 03, 2005

Just my imagination!

Don't know where to begin.
Don't know what to write.
Thoughts roll on, they come in waves.
Thoughts fighting among each other for the right to write about.
I'd like to write about my shift in place of work.I'd like to write about my dislocation in culture and society.I'd like to write about the funny things, that happened, and that happen.
I also remember that I've been tagged by BarathRao and Janani.Whenever my mind is idle, and that's all the time, it thinks what to write about in less than 55 words!
Yet to put my ideas into words.Fetuses of thoughts, aborted half-way through.So here i end up writing nothing, or writing about nothing. Whatever!!This maybe the writer's clog, the anti-thesis of writer's block.Well, atleast I make a restart, after being stalled for the past two weeks!And am happy about that!


janani said...

Writer's clog is an interesting term! :-) Write one longgggg post and then break it up into bits and post once a day! :-)

Viewer said...

Missed Ur presentce welcome back .............

Viewer said...

Missed Ur presentce welcome back .............

ada-paavi!!!! said...

writers clog, interesting term.

Rohan Kumar said...

That is a novel idea indeed hope u know all of us will be expecting a tonne of posts to come thru in the following weeks because of this writer's clog :)