Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thinking aloud!

Does sending personal mails through office mail ID amount to using office stationery?

Does blogging from office system tantamount to diverting office resources to personal work?

Illegal or unethical?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

As my guru ordered!

"If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?—
With silence and tears."
- Lord Byron

Over the months, I have neglected my blog. This year has seen me move cities and jobs.

Whenever I check my blog, increasingly sparing as the days pass, guilt engulfs me. Sometimes I have thought of taking down my blog. But that is the only evidence I have of my writing skills, or the lack of them. So I decide to let it be.
And today I had further push to continue where I left.
So I am writing about writing to give me a start.
All I hope is I become prolific as I was.