Thursday, October 27, 2005

Nature at its best!

I sweep aside the curtains as eyelids sweep off the sleep.
Outside, the sky paints the whole world of its own hue

I, glad that there is no rain, shrug and go about
I get ready, open the door and step out.

The joyful cold air hugs me nipping about
Ignoring it, I briskly walk to the car

Mist of the night lie crusted on the windscreen
Like the blanket on me, the night before.

I just set the wiper in scour off mode and pull off the park
Just as my mind glides off to the day's work

Eyes on the road and also on the clock
With the cerebellum taking care weaving through the flock

Mind in a stir,sequences the things to do
The bedecked Fall entices me; striving to woo

Trees in yellow, brown & red make a screensaver of the world!
I pass by with nary a glance and a thoughtful stare.

Boards of black in white plead the limits of speed
Eyes see through them as I hurtle onward

Colours of Monet and Sisley dance around
I ignore them as mounds of office work abound

Like one among the bees of a hive
The car snugly fits in a slot of the lot

As the car with a shudder grinds to a halt,
Mind switches into top gear, on the mark for the start.

All the grandeur of nature fail
When with work on my mind, I walk not but sail

And out of the blue, in the corner of my eye
Walks in a girl; Mind in a whirl goes, "Oh My!

Work forgotten, lies among the leaves as they pall,
My eyes and mind are on Nature at its best, in Fall!


Paravai said...

he he he.... again a spam on ur blog... and the post was itself looking like a spam.... jus kidding... yAr antha pudia paravai?...

Anonymous said...

When do you write all this? You're very quick.

So how did it go with the girl? :)

Jinguchakka said...

Oh! That's just I made up! No girl!