Saturday, March 18, 2006

I miss you! *

I was totally wrong when I said sometime back that I won't be seeing any more snow. Yesterday, it snowed and how!
All day long, flakes flying fast and far.
To see they crash in the windshield of your car!
Wow! And on my way back from office, it was a thick white blanket all over with black snakes of cleared roads slithering through.
I was a bit irritated at drivers driving very slow :-). Now that was something new.

Today morning there was sun. And when I set out I saw all the trees standing happily with half-melted snow. They were all lined up fall-blown brown with streaks of white. It was like chirpy children running into the living area wet and happy after a bath!

Hmm..Some sight!

* - Darren Hayes/Blink 182 - Take your pick


Karthik N said...

Did u buy a camera for you??

Karthik N said...

which model??

Jinguchakka said...

I had a 5 MP one whose software CD is with you, remember? BTW, did you ship it to B'lore?

Sugee said...

It always happens whenever u need a camera u can never find it....

DSK said...

Well... I've never seen snow... But I just super-imposed ur post with Rain, and my! Was it a pretty picture or what!!!

The "Mann Vaasanai" simply takes the rain to a different platform altogether.

Jinguchakka said...

@sugee - yeah, you are correct. :-(

@dsk - yeah, It was a beauty to behold. Only regret is that I could not save it for posterity.

Casablanca said...

Cant you download your camera software from somewhere? Besides, which camera needs a software these days??? We demand pictures!

ambi said...

i like the name jinguchaa..
is photography ur hobby?
first time here..

Jinguchakka said...

@ Casa - My camera's with my cousin. The good news is I've ordered for another one.

@ ambi - You are welcome. I am not having photography as a hobby. But I like it very much and love to be on the other side of the camera.