Monday, August 01, 2005

Can't think, can't move, can blog

It's a lazy, lazy, lazzzzzzzy world. Everywhere I look, I see people moving about in slow motion. The milk man comes late, the news paper slithers in being shy about coming in 30 minutes after it is due.It's three hours since I woke up, but still sleep drips from my eyebrows much like the rain water dripping from the eaves outside. Everywhere is wet, wet, and damp. But this laziness around me, I sense for the past two days. Oh, it's in me, I realise. Wearing the blinkers of sloth, I perceive the world to be lazy. For example, see down below the apology of a post, I blogged yesterday. It started as a full page in my mind. It got censored by my lazy fingers which refused inputs from my brain and demanded a concise summary of what the brain wanted to be told. "Don't blather on", screamed my fingers at the brain. And this trend continues today too. My building janitor informs me that the main road to the office has been flooded due to the incessant rains the night before. I might have to take a roundabout, or risk driving through knee deep water. But unperturbed, I blog away, unwashed, unhurried and blatantly lazzzzzy.I would like to take a day's leave, laze around and...... well, I am lazy to think what I might do lazing around. But I have to go to office as I depend on the office canteen to feed me, two times a day! It may sound better but lazing around also means starving. Stomach in a panic, orders my mind to start for office. Mind running in circles, hazy in its thoughts and what not! What a Monday! Definitely not manic. I have to will myself to stop further blogging, move me, get ready to office etc...Let's see how the day turns out to be. For now, bye.
P.S: Typos, if any, are due to half shut eyes and a full shut brain. Pardon me, pleazzzzzzzz..


janani said...

Daily office la virundu vekarangala?? :-)

Jinguchakka said...

:-)) sort of..I've put on weight eating canteen food.No complaints on that.

Leon said...

I felt the same way as you did when I was posting after a long day yesterday..

Btw, I just wanted to tell you that I like your blog name a lot.. very imaginative.. :-)

Jinguchakka said...

Thanks Leon for empathising.
And blog name! :-)