Thursday, August 25, 2005

Mom's the word!

My stomach is happy. It's having a gala time this week. It's tasting all varieties of home cooked food. Yeaaah, My mother is here, with me. My flatmates, friends and I are having a gala time this week. In the evenings, I look forward to start from office, for a change. I don't worry about where to have food. Yippeee! My mom, who doesn't know a syllable in Hindi, managed to come this far to the Hindi heartland. I should thank my office for not granting me any leave even when not giving me enough work! Frustrated, as anyone would be, I asked my sis to book tickets on tatkaal, and lo and behold! My friends at Chennai bundled off my mom on the train. I offloaded her, here, and brought her home.
Two days, Monday and Tuesday, she managed to sit alone all through the day, while I yawned at office for the whole of each day. Wednesday, I had to arrange a shopping trip. Sari shopping trip! Today, the fourth day since she's been here, I think she'd start missing her Sun TV. She generally awakes with the Sun TV and goes to sleep after all those umpteen senti/tear-jerking/supposed-to-be-thriller serials. Those serial killers are my Mom's life line. Hopefully, the cable wallah will give our home a connection. Atleast I won't have to regret for ever for taking my Mom away from her world of serials for a long time.
Meanwhile my mom is playing dumb charades with the servant maid. Mom talks in tamil, maid speaks in god-only-knows, some dialect of Hindi, and they both get along!
Today I brought my team lead home for dinner. The flamboyant bengali, enjoyed my mom's sambar rice. Had a second helping too, which my mom liked. he stayed for just 15 min, had dinner, touched my mom's feet and left.
Just two more full days of Mom! :-(


BB said...

Wish i can do that...from miles away...but the days arent far away!...enjoy these moments...!

Viewer said...

enjoy the small trip to heaven as longas ur mom is there :)

Jinguchakka said...

@barath - unakkum keezhe ullavar kOdi'nu nenaichukkanum, naan!

@viewer - yeaah! :-)

Sidewinder said...

mmmmm have a good time !

KM said...

make her cook extra and then freeze it!
sitting around all day...beg her to make some extras.

Jinguchakka said...

@ Sidewinder - Thanks

@ Khizzy - innovative ideas, but can't be implemented in a sparse and bleak bachelor household! No refrigeration. :-((. Begging, that can be done.

Rohan Kumar said...

Enjoy it while it lasts my friend :)

janani said...

Wow! I can just repeat what others have said - have fun while it lasts. :-)