Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I was tagged.
The Tag Instructions: Comment, and I shall give you a letter. Go back to your journal, and write ten words beginning with that letter, including an explanation of what those words means to you and why. And I was given the letter G.
Hastobeme must have been really mad at me to give me that letter! I think, thank and thunk but for the life of me, couldn’t manage ten words starting with G. Of course, some exotic but had-to-be-censored “G” words, I had them down pat. But I pretend to be a gentleman and so tried to get hold of other words. No progress! So I archived the post in the trenches of my shallow mind {It kept floating :-( }

You allow me in peace, and I’ll ramble, drivel, blather, babble and generally won’t leave you in peace. But you test me with an alphabet and I flunk.

It is almost like stage fright. I can talk by a tea shop for hours together. But remove the tea glass (pronounced T-gloss) from me and give a mike, I’d become verbally challenged. It has happened so many times. How I overcame that and became a proficient public speaker with a stray dog and a lamp post for an audience (yup, it happened, I promise), is the stuff of legend. Will be narrated sometime in the future.

OK, what I am trying to drive home is that this simple tag had me stumped. I was almost tempted to buy up a dictionary and jot down all the “G” words.

Then a week back, Casa threatened with the letter X. That was too much for me. So I decided to hurry up and finish this tag before someone throws a “Z” at me.Here I go!

God – “I am in him; He is in me” – sounds good and high falutin. But I’ll stick to saying that I have felt His presence.

Green Day – Their “American Idiot” is a masterpiece. I love it.

Goal – I am in a country where there is no interest in the soccer World Cup. And the first match starts at 10.00 AM when I’d be in office busy having my coffee break. By the time I reach home, all the three matches are over. I hate it that I am in a place where nobody talks about it.

Goal – One which I don’t aspire to have in life. I meander like a river shifted by the sands of time!! Big funda but can’t help it. Lol.

Gloating – I never like it when it comes from others!

Grumpy – My current mood

Goa – The place I like to visit, hopefully next year

Google – They have made our world a better place with their search engine. God knows how it was before one could “google” anything.

Godfather - The movie (Part 1) which every aspiring screenplay writer should see. Not a scene wasted. Never an irrelevant gesture. A marvellous movie on its screen play alone.

Girls - :-))

I am done!


Mythreyee said...

hehehe.. "goal"-aye rendu vaati ezhuthi ole adichitiye! :P n yea, i cant imagine either how da world wuda been b4 google came in2 existence... :)

Casablanca said...


G was too easy dude. You should have done X... or W or U atleast ;)

Has to be me said...

Hey (G)entleman,
I'm (g)lad u did the post!! That's a really (g)ood list.

Few other G's that I cud think of -Generous, gorgeous, gold, Guru, ghost, gender, glitter!

Hmmm, I didnt think u wld;ve a stage fright! I've seen many ppl like this & it surprises me cos other times they speak so well.

For me, as long as I am familiar with the subject that I need to speak on its never been a problem. I've been the Director of Ceremonies for many (cultural/ social) programs & the latest one was for Usha Uthup show that was held here.

Jinguchakka said...

@mythreyee - goal! ole! aahaa! yenna oru kavidhai! :-))

@casa - You are a sadist! :-)

@hastobeme - Gorgeous! Gold! Glitter! Only a female can think of these words. lol.

@pooja - yup. :-(

Rajesh &Shankari said...

I wish u did the letter X, would have been fun, xrated? Xray? Xtra?


Rajesh &Shankari said...

Srinivas - Just like once is not enough , I have tagged U 2

EYE said...

G for Good!:)

Vinesh said...

Girls and Google were the ones I could relate to :-)

Jinguchakka said...

@shankari - Xrated, XXrated, XXXrated!! yeah, X would have been fun. :-) Me tagged? okay.

@me - wow! That never occurred to me.

@vinesh - How are you? long time.

Madhooo said...

Good going:))

Chitra said...

Completely agree with Google :)!