Thursday, June 08, 2006

Budding Buddha!

As I lay waiting for sleep to come, I was thinking deeply. All of a sudden I had gone into a philosophical mood. I thought whether there could be any person in this whole world without any worry. But I also know that, for any person, there would be atleast 2 or 3 people around him who will perceive that given his riches, material or immaterial, he wouldn't be having anything to worry. But to each man, his own pain. A poor man might think the rich who has a luxurious home and all other amenities would be a most happy person. But in truth that rich person might be neck deep in debt, or a failing business, no family and may never know. Infact the rich person might actually be envying the poor for living a care free life (his perspective). Nothing with you, nothing to lose would be what rich man's opinion would be. Why so many ills and worries plague this world thought I. And I plunged a bit more into the pessimistic morass.

Whatever I do, there is always a problem to nag me. I seem to be running only to stay in the same place. Not one day passes without me worrying about one thing or the other. Personal, official, genuine, imaginary, whatever but something always troubles me. Deeply I thought and I reflected upon whether there had been any great soul who had over come all these. I remembered Gautama Buddha.

I pondered on how Buddha was so disturbed by human sufferng that he quit the material life and go sit under a bodhi tree! That would be a good person to follow, I decided. So immediately I tried to remember how he had renounced his worldly possessions. In the middle of the night, he'd get up and spend a fleeting moment before his sleeping wife and then leave, I remembered reading somewhere. I too decided to do so. I turned and searched for my wife beside. She was not there. Then I remembered that I am yet to be married. Shucks! What all problem one has to face even to renounce this material world! The path to salvation is never easy. Deciding to wait for my wife, I turned back again and went to sleep!


Rajesh &Shankari said...

It is funny you wrote abt this in your blog, as i was planning to write abt the same thing. I happened to meet my ex manager for lunch and he was telling me how if we want to be worried abt everything in life, we can never be happy. He has a wife who suffers from chronic back pain and he just wentthro by pass surgery, but when you ask him how he is doing, he says gr8, cannot ask for more.
when i told him, I will be happy after a particular thing happens, he gave me a good example, he said when you were 24 , your parents would have prayed that all they want is to see you married, then 2 years later prayed that you have a baby. worries never end, so forget abt it & see the positive. I loved working for him, when he saw my brows knit while working, he would come into my office & say something to make me smile!

starry said...

Just stopped by to say hello. nice post. I think every one worries to some extent and if everything in this world was good and free of worry we would not be able to appreciate it. In order to appreciate happiness we should have experienced sorrow.

Jinguchakka said...

@shankari - I am sure your ending would have been different! :-)

@pooja - Very true.

@starry nights - Hello to you! You are right abt experiencing sorrow to appreciate happiness. You are also right abt this post being nice! :-))

Rajesh &Shankari said...

Can you guess what my ending would be? I cant seem to think of anything

Jinguchakka said...

I can think of some smart-ass endings, but I don't know abt your sense of humour, so I'll let them pass. Maybe you'd keep it poignant throughout. No twist in the tail for you. Me, I cannot pull my punches eventhough they fall flat often.

totti said...

May be your wife got the idea before you did? :p

Mythreyee said...

ada paavi... toooo much... etho serious-a ezhuthirkiye-nu padikka aaramichaa...

janani said...

Hmm edo vettiya yoschitu, iduku Buddha nu vera nenappu! Life la overa yosikare ni. :-)

Paravai said...

romba kEvalamA irunduchu... dude i think u've started thinkin about marriage... though a bit late (c'mon 20 yrs is not that long a time...) you can still find some one in the Hindu Classified... (50 years old... fair... earnin big bucks in NYC... waitin still for my dream boy...) n who knows you might be some ones dream boy?!

Me too said...

It's time someone contacted your parents!! Kudunga avanga contact no.!!

Jinguchakka said...

@totti - :-)

@mythreyee - :-)) idhellam arasiyal'la sagajamappa.

@janani - Net connection illa. adhanaala dhaan indha vetti yOsanai yellAm!

@ paravai - thanniyai kudinga.

@me too - oru chinna thappukku ivvalavu periya dhandanaiyaa?

Has to be me said...

Ha ha ha! Funny one but @ the same time liked ur thot process. Whats life w/o ups n downs? No fun that way. I guess we wld rejoice & learn to appreciate the beauty of life only due to the worries n troubles.
And most importantly remember u r not alone.....there r many others...infact almost everyone with u on the same ship!

ROCK said...


I know life is difficult but that is no reason to leave ur wife.. she is also a human being and will suffer pain once you leave her.. so think about it.. and path of Salvation was never easy but people reached there without sacrifying what they have ... but kept moving ahead keeping everything that they have and collecting what they did not.. so think @ it....

Viewer said...

Philosophical buddha !