Thursday, February 02, 2006

Mine my mind

Hurtling through life

An express train, I am
Passengers are the people
Who board on the way

They stay in my mind
Seldom they alight
Their trains may end too.
They would still be in mine

Compartments, I am made of
And they are made of me
Always ever increasing
Rarely do they fuse off

People in one, wonder 'bout the other
Some know not. Too much to bother
For netherly dark, everything else is
Nary a light, all sigh and hiss

And some try to pass through
The aisle doors of my mind
Amusing it is,While I idly watch

The attempts of my friends
Through the eyes of my mind
For I am the train

Maybe a stray one or two
I'd like them to visit all through
But it's all in vain
They don't know the depth of the train

Some do realise, they who hearken
what that's beyond their eye
They haven't been there, though
Still, perceptive they being
For them it isn't too hard
Seeing through, the ornate lard

Some coaches do carry
Roaches and rodents as quarry
Memories of many an event
Which have me still in torment

For those who are in here still,
You won't find rhythm in my verse
B'cos journey is rough and tumble
All tense and terse
Never a dance or a prance
Grey and black, do my mind fill

The train never laughs
For the terrain is tough
It's all grunts and squeals
Careening through the turf

I am Alice's train
I don't know where I go
Rolling on the track
Running in my brain
Journey knows not its end
Not even what lies around the bend

Now it may be coasting
Smooth may seem the trip; but
It had its share of roasting
In downs that've wrenched the gut

All along as the train whistles
One thing deep inside rankles
The passengers who threw out
This passenger of a train
From the train of their brain
Why, Oh Why?

Mine my mind
It may reveal its gems
Or it'll throw up its bilge
But never mind!


Paravai said...

enna Achu?? yEn intha polambal...

Mephistopheles said...

Your maiden venture into literature.. all the best.

Casablanca said...

This train sure seems worth a ride ;)

Nicely written. Especially like the "never mind" in the end :)

Jinguchakka said...

@paravai - konjam sindhikka koodaadhaa? polambal aayidumaa?

@mephistopheles - Finally you've come out of your stupor! Go update your blog.

@casa - :-) Thanks. And btw, an earlier post of yours set me thinking and into this post. The one where you were commenting abt your friends dissecting your blog posts and those who comment on them.

M (tread softly upon) said...

This reminded me of something my granddad used to say: "life's a stage and people are just passing figures". I guess the journey and moving on concept is the same.
BTW where in Schaumburg do you live? I used to live in a townhouse on the crossing of Schaumburg Rd and Barrington Rd. Gosh isn't it a small world!

Paravai said...

well m u are correct... this musings sure look like a grandpA's one... idu pudu mozhi alla... kila mozhigal... silmisam wat say yA?

Jinguchakka said...

@m - Your grandpa would have quoted Shakespeare probably. And I am in the Intl'village complex by the Algonquin and Meacham. It'd would be around 3 miles from where you were.
@paravai - next I'd be composing in Tamizh. Remember our bet? get your grammar book.

Sidewinder said...

kavithe kavithe !

enge innoru murai vasinga paarpom!

Dreamy Eyed Gal said...

Interesting train!!!;-)...nice work

M (tread softly upon) said...

I know that place. That was across the street from Motorola (my husband used to work there).

Jinguchakka said...

@Peechi - Yo Mr.Paris! Howz life?

@D.e.g - Thank you. :-)

@m - Your hubby used to work there? Gosh, I am late in coming here. I could've got a Razr in discount. :-) Jus'kidding.

Karthik N said...


i liked!!

Jinguchakka said...

Thanks Poochi!