Saturday, September 10, 2005

Beckham of our Bungalow!!

My roommate is having the latest fashionable haircut. Lol. It was not the result of any planned effort, though. He didn't ape any actor for his zany haircut. All he did was to go to the saloon when Indian team was playing. ROFL. The barber was holding the knife to my roommate's nape, when, fourth wicket fell with a paltry score on the board. Kaboom! The barber became agitated and the knife went swishing high above where it was supposed to be! lol. I find it difficult to type when convulsing with laughter.To compensate the unintended cut high above, the barber came down an everything below that line. lol. And my poor room mate came, with his neck going up all the way to the top of his head. lol. lol. lol. :-)))). Now his scalp looks like a bald rabbi's cap, with pate sorrounding it on all sides. lol. I'll stop here, to finish my laughing and to prevent my hovering room mate from deleting it.


Anonymous said...'s always more than a match when India play!

janani said...

A match is for a day, but a haricut is for a lifetime! :-)
Note to self: Do not go to the hair dresser when her favorite soap is on. :-)

Jinguchakka said...

@scarywits - Yeah it was pretty funny. lol
@veejay - you should've seen him. We couldn't help laughing
@flickerin'flame - yeah. It triggers something deep inside.
@Janani - yeah. then she may start crying and with anger at the villainous DIL or MIL, snip your tresses apart. :-) Please do tell me when that happens.