Thursday, June 23, 2005

Manly musings!

The other day,I saw a curious article in the newspaper. It reported that actress Cameron Diaz was threatened by a model when she accidentally stepped on her dress, and how!.The model threatened that she would take away Cameron's beau Justin Timberlake!! Whoopee...! That set me thinking about the status of us men in the mind of women. Are men a commodity to be stolen? That too over a trifling thing as stepping on a dress? Men are not known to boast their abilities and intentions to steal a woman. Even if they do, they do without a matter of advertisement. No Sir! The men are publicity shy of such achievements. Hmmm.... It may also be because of the punishment that they get when it becomes known about their peccadiloes. Either they come to grievous bodily harm due to the woman's husband or they get to keep what they pilfered, the woman, I mean. Which punishment is more inhuman, I cannot say. But I can say onething. Men are more honourable in fights. They may punch, they may spout only devil knows what. They won't speak of "pickpocketing" women, like that model spoke of Justin Timberlake! Hope Justin doesn't betray manly self-respect.

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