Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Pain of Birth!

That's my room mate almost getting to experience the pain he caused his mom at birth.

I am in the first pic camouflaging him with the cake!



think said...

You guyz:-))

Rajesh &Shankari said...

why not show us your face 2

Anu said...

Ada paavigala.. neengalumaa? Konja naalaiku munnadi en nelamayum ipdi thaan irundhudhu.

Jinguchakka said...

@priya - :-)

@shankari - Not worth seeing! :-)
seriously, have you not seen me?

@anu - :-) everyone goes through this.

By Deepa and Supriya said...

Pain!!! you call this pain?? You have no idea do you...ask me I did it with a falied epidural!!!!!!!

Casablanca said...

Uff... grow up, this stuff is for college kids ;)

Me too said...

aaah! This wasting of delicious cake is unpardonable!!!

Jinguchakka said...

@orchid - Sorry. Obviously I have no idea and it was not meant seriously either.

@casa - Always be a kid at heart, Casa! :-))

@me too - lol. yes, It's a vanilla based cake. It was a big cake and so even after wasting and eating whatever we can, some is still left. :-)

M (tread softly upon) said...

Juvenile :)) and a waste of some yummy cake. So did your friend lick it all off?

Ananya S P said...

For the past 8 years bday annikki yen nelamaiyum ippadee dhaan aayindrukku...:)

Point 5 said...

I have been at the recieving end many a times, and it sucks...but its always a pleasure to partake in kicking someones behind

Jinguchakka said...

@m - Washed it off.

@anusha - we are yet to grow up! :-)

@point5 - You are a true Indian! lol.

Terri the terrific said...

JC, enzoy!
A few years from now (after yours and your friends' kids arrive) these parties will be but a distant memory.

pradman said...

Ah... b'day bumps...
Orey malarum ninaivugal thaan... btw what percentage of the cake did you guys get to eat? looks like you speared the enitre cake on the poor guy's face:)

Unknown said...

I was just about to say grow up, but I see that casablanca has already said so :)

Jinguchakka said...

@terri - I recall one of your earlier posts about 40 year olds letting their hair down. So I don't think having a family has nothing to do.

@scipio - Still some cake is in the fridge. :-)

@wa - saringa!! :-))

Terri the terrific said...

jc, the 30s weren't celebrated, which is why the 40th is being given importance. Once the kids come along, quality is cherished, because quantity diminishes. Samjha kya? ;)

Bong Mom said...

You are funny :):) I am laughing on a prev post of yours 'bout your Mom distributing your DVD, maybe we will get it in Blockbuster soon, pirated copy;-)
Happy B'Day by the way

JayaChithra Subramanian said...

looks like u ve had real enuff.. lol :D

Jinguchakka said...

@terri - I got the first point, but the second beats me. You are deep!

@oliveoyl - paavam punniyam yellAm paarthaa saripadaadhu! lol

@sandeepa - Thanks Ma'am! You made my day! Quoting from a post long back! wow!!

@jayachithra - welcome back. It's been a long time, isn't it?