Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cuckooland, here I come!

Me: I have been tagged to write 6 weird things about me by mitr_bayarea.

My pal: Only 6? {sniggering} She doesn't know about you.

Me: Ofcourse, she doesn't know me. But how to get 6 weird things to write about?

My pal: Yeah, You are all things weirdo. Which 6 to pick? {guffaw} A difficult decision to make.

Me: Shut up.

My room mate passing by: Dude, Whom are you talking to? I see no phone. *

Me: I am singing, man! {hurriedly starting...."ta ra ra ta ta na na..."}

My room mate: {more hurriedly} okay, okay....whatever!

Seriously, I am baffled by this tag. What to write about?
And how is the weirdness factor measured? For me, many things are normal which are truly bizarre for some people somewhere in this world. Likewise I balk at many things that many people do effortlessly.

I am tempted to write things that go, "1. I am obsessive about cleanliness 2. I am perfection personified 3. I am fanatically punctual". But who am I kidding? I am not attending a job interview here. Has anyone observed how these interviews are conducted? There, one is always asked the standard question to list out one's weaknesses or failings. The interviewee should always come up with things like, "My weakness is I cannot stop working till I drop dead". Imagine an interview where after being asked this inevitable question, the interviewee answers, "Post lunch I cannot stop breaking wind all afternoon in office". Never happens, right? It may be the thing that he always does, but still it is impolite to brag of your real achievements. {No, It's not mine}
So I am gonna refrain from mentioning truly oddball things that I do. This is no confessional. Just my blog. I'll start now.

1. I like to brush my teeth daily. Not weird? Just ask all those animals. For this post, I approached a cow and said to her, " I brush my teeth daily, you know?". She remarked, "That's weird! Mooooo (that's boo in their language)". There you go.
Okay, okay, I will try to think weirdo stuff like a human being.

2. I like to have my tea with a chikki (peanut candy/kadalai mittai).

3. I dislike ties and suits and such formal stuff. I am more comfortable in what is comfortable for the human body. Sandals to smelly socks inside shoes, anytime.

Hmm....I've managed 3 points. 3 more to go. I have a doubt about the tag here. Weird things about me. Weird in whose perspective? Me or other fellow human beings? After my first point, I decided to stick to humans but now I am a little bit concerned on which human's perspective I should be referring to.
I've seen enough to say that nothing is weird to me anymore, eventhough I have not done most of them. If I were to base it on my perspective I cannot complete this post at all.
So I will continue to approach this tag from my fellow beings' assumed perspective.

4. I hate shaving on weekends. Does this count as a weird thing? I mean, even if I have to go out of my home, I don't shave.

Two more to go. Why 6 points? Why not, 4,5 or 7? Mitr_bayarea doesn't seem to be my mitr now.

5. I am never able to hold on to money. I don't know, but whatever money that I come across, I lose as fast as I get. I cannot save for the life of me. My friends regularly offer to save for me. But before I could hand it over to them, it seems to vanish! :-( It's becoming a serious problem. No, I neither drink nor smoke. And NO, NO, this is not my matrimonial ad. :-)

6. I hate those "realistic" movies depicting life as hard as it is. Weird, I can enjoy films as long they are funny and depict happier things in life. But once they get into real tragedies, I'm out. This doesn't mean I enjoy actors cavorting around trees singing. Positively revolting, they are.
I rest my case.

I'd love to pass on this tag, wanting to see how others tackle it. But I observe that writing as per a tag and then passing it on is not a fad anymore. Infact denouncing tags seems to be the in thing.Blogging is all about one's own thoughts and if one were to write on a given topic reduces it to a school essay, doesn't it? Or maybe with everyone tagging each other, defying tags is a way of standing out.

Whatever, I'd like to tag two persons whose blog personae are diametrically opposite. One is the King of abstract posts. Even his normal(?) posts being sort of weird, I'd love to see what he writes on things weird about him. The other blogger is as normal as anyone can be. Remniscing his motherland, yearning about long past childhood, poems and stories dominate his blog. He seems so normal, everything as they should be, so much so, that I'd like to see him revealing his quirkier facet, if any. But this being a weird post, I shall stop short of declaring a tag on them.

* just my imagination, this too! Go figure!


Point 5 said...

Damn those Tag Games...I am spreading message across the Blogosphere to boycott tags :))

funny post though...

Rohan Kumar said...

Really funny post even though it didnt scored very high on the wierdness scale, also funny as it was I dont think you can still convince me to do a tag for a looong while :)

mitr_bayarea said...

Thanks for doing the tag. Interesting piece at the end of the blog personalities....

totti said...

Hee hee..good random post...with the yoda style commentry..i will do the tag sometime ..the tea thing with chikki is really weird :p

Has to be me said...

Hey u've a knack fr tags! Well done. LOL @ brushing teeth!

Jinguchakka said...

@pointy - What's your grouse? :-)

@Rohan - I intentionally meant it to be that way. And whenever you decide to do a tag, do this first, okay?

@mitr - I am waiting for the next tag to come to pass it on to you. lol

@totti - :-) With bated breath, I wait for your post! lol.

@hastobeme - Back to visiting blogs? :-) read your post abt being busy.

M (tread softly upon) said...

LOL....socks inside shoes? you stinky dirty guy :)))yes you are weird. But you made me laugh

Anu said...

He he.. good one. But not very weird for all the build up you gave. Chickened out didn't ya?

Surprised to see this tag going around yet. I remember doing this Weird Meme long back. Yes, my 6 points were weirder.

Rajesh &Shankari said...

u r kind of normal I guess..how is life Srini?

Casablanca said...

Oh but we didnt need a post to know you are weird... its a fact. Long known. :p

By Deepa and Supriya said...

Funny but not so weird, I guess weirdness is a relative term after all!

Jinguchakka said...

@m - :-)

@anu - So you did this long ago? That means the person who thought of this tag must be a few links away from you. If you know him/her please let me know. :-)

@shankari - I am fine, thanks! Why you are not online these days? Kinda busy?

@casa - You so know me! :-))

@orchid - I am not weird. I am downright bizarre, though! So I couldn't think of any mere weird characteristics! :-)

Anu said...

Ada po paa... looks like hanumaar vaal. Poinde irukku. :P

Rajesh &Shankari said...

I am online until 6:30pm, i think u come online after that

Me too said...

So, decided not to copy and paste, after all, huh? Was all your weird ones taken by me that you had to list these and look not-so-weird?
Weird or not, it was hilarious!!

Sidewinder said...

I think u thinking all these things u have mentioned as wierd is the wierdest of all....:p

anyway srini ....how r u??? hows life?? innum onsite la than irrukeengala?

Jinguchakka said...

@ me too - You are right!

@olive oyl - Not to my extent, I believe.

@sidewinder - innum konja naal dhaan at Chicago!