Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Conjectures Invited!

Today I came across a thought provoking quote.

While lamenting about the current World political situation Ted Turner says "The men have had millions of years where we've been running things. We've screwed it up hopelessly. Let's give it to the women."

So let's give in to the hypothesis that we'll have women running everything. Governments, Legislatures, Dictatorships, Wars, Religion, Stockmarkets, Sports, everything.Not that they are not in every field now. Let's assume not a single man is part of any decision making in the whole world.

How things will be?

Better than now? Or still be bad?
All Pink and flowery?
No rough and tumble ball games?

I don't know.

Will countries go to war still?
What role will man have to play in the society?

God only knows!
God? Goddess?


totti said...

yeah..i was having a tough time wondering if hillary would go to war against anyone..ofcourse most of the world leaders would be lost in the cobwebs of "Its not what you said, its the way you said it" kind of things :D..

Casablanca said...

The biggest problem with trying for equality is that it makes the divide even more prominent...

Rimi said...

Well, I got this email once with pics of what would happen if women did take over. Remarkably shallow and therefore quite fun. Should I hunt it down and forward it to you? :-)

Me too said...

Guess it is better this way, atleast until someone disproves it!! But on the other hand, never believed men as nurtures was a possibility until now!

Jinguchakka said...

@totti - And you are a bachelor? :-)

@casa - do you mean that women can't match upto men thereby reflecting the gap? I don't think so.

@rimi - I have seen the fwd you are referring to. :-) Shallow but scary! lol.

@me too - never believed men? Why? I don't get you.

Terri the terrific said...

Aw, that Ted seems like such a dear. Wonder why he's thrice-divorced, then.

Casablanca said...

No, what I mean is that we are quite equal, so the expectation that things would be vastly different is wrong.

M (tread softly upon) said...

Is the screw-ups gender based? can't see what would change. And no, I'm not going to venture a guess on that one.

Jinguchakka said...

@Terri - Hence he's more qualified to speak about women, isn't he? :-)

@Casa - Oh! I didn't get it the first time. Thx.

@m - Many things would change. That's for sure. But the paradox is the more things change, the same they remain.

By Deepa and Supriya said...

hey I am back and what a loaded thought. But could it get any worse really?

Me too said...

I said "never believed men as nurtures was a possibility". I had stereotyped men and didn't think they could take up the nurturer role at home.
Anyway, during the Jayendra Saraswathi's arrest, one of my friend(male) commented about how women(Jayalalitha) are proving to be a disaster in such fields as said in some sastra!

Jinguchakka said...

@orchid - Hi! Finally! So what were you upto in Bangalore?

@me too - I support Jayalalitha in that matter. It takes guts to do what she did. I don't think the present CM can pull such one off.