My city, Chennai, has been again beset by torrential rains. The good thing is that government is in damage control, full swing. Prompt disaster relief and elections next year maybe beyond happenstance. Anyway I don't want to nitpick as long as something good is done. The bad thing is the poor, the homeless bear the full brunt of the Nature's fury. At times as these, it's hard to find justification of uneven distribution of material wealth through the society.
It seems in recent times the climate is going haywire, world wide. A slew of hurricanes have blasted the Central and North America. They have come in such huge numbers that the meterologists ran out of conventional allotted names and resorted to Greek alphabets. In India too, Mumbai had its share of rains and a lot more. For that matter be it rains or drought, they hit us severely.
For some time, I've been thinking whether these phenomena could be a result of man-made causes such as the green house gases and stuff. Global warming and such stuff are gobbledygook for me. Recently in US some liberals (or whatever such people are called) got together at Vegas, conducted a show called, "Earth to America". It was a two hour skit kind of thing. Stand-up comedians like Wanda Sykes, comedy show men like Ray Romano, Larry David, actor Tom Hanks, country singer Tim McGraw and other assorted entertainment industry people got together to garner support for environmental consciousness. They went bashing Dubya Jr., bigtime. The show was humourous and I liked it. They wanted everyone to logon a web site and click to show support. It was like a virtual march in support of environment protection. I never got to do it. Later I bought a Tim Mcgraw CD, though! At the end of the programme there was a brief mention of the Kyoto protocol. It seems even though the US is not a signatory to it, many US cities, around 40, have adopted it. Seattle was the first.
It was then I decided to bone up on the Kyoto protocol. Kyoto protocol is basically an agreement committing 38 countries to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2
percent from 1990 levels, by 2012. Greenhouse gases are carbondioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and Hydrofluorocarbons. US and Australia are the only developed countries not to sign it. And now,there is a Montreal protocol too.
The Kyoto protocol is peculiar in that it is valid only when countries that agree to the protocol, account up to 55% of worldwide emissions or more. It very recently came into force(Nov '04) when Russia ratified it. Developing countries like India, China and Brazil are not required to sign up, for now. The world's largest polluter US has refused to join, on the one hand saying that it's too costly to implement while on the other maintaining that developing countries too should be made to join. I guess it's cheaper to implement for the developing countries!
Ofcourse, it's a moot point that just by agreeing to control emissions, whether a country will overnight become 100% safe to breathe.Infact the signatories themselves are actually facing increasing emissions year over year! And there's a big club of nay-sayers who pooh-pooh the theory that the gas emissions harm our earth's climate. There are some prominent men like Michael Crichton, who wrote an entire book, not just a blog post, to denounce it. "State of Fear" became a best seller, infact.
Generations to come will vindicate either of the side. Hope they don't do it at their own cost.